Donut Festival 2025
Rockport is kicking off the summer with the 3rd Annual Rockport Donut Festival!
June 13 & 14, 2025
The submission deadline has past (January 10th). Winner will be announced soon!
The Town of Rockport is excited to announce a weekend filled with donut themed festivities. The Rockport Donut Festival will pay homage to the history of the donut here in Rockport and get the summer rolling with music, food, and fun for all ages. See the full schedule of events on this page.
Donut Vendors
Friday's Farm Stand Donuts
5K fun run
registration: 5k race registration. The first 75 to sign up get a free shirt! We will have more shirts for purchase, and to order if desired.
Live Music for Right Track on Friday, The Hot Suppers and Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish on Saturday. Tickets are to be purchased day of at the door. Cost is $10 per performance.
Dinner on the bridge - canceled. Sorry for any inconvenience.
HISTORY OF THE DONUT - and its ties to Rockport
Rockport is home to the creator of the Donut Hole, Captain Hanson Crockett Gregory - commemorated on a plaque at the Nativity Lutheran Church in Rockport. Given this, it is a great reason for the community to come together to celebrate a weekend that corresponds with National Donut Day - the first Friday in June. Smithsonian has an article that relates the Donut's journey into what we now know it as today, and how our Captain Hanson Crocket Gregory and his mother played a part in it: The History of the Donut. For more history on this delicacy, be sure to attend "Talking About Donuts & The Hole History." See schedule for more details.
ADMISSION IS FREE and donations are being accepted to help cover costs. Donations can be made either online at [enter link], or a check can be made out to the Town of Rockport. Be sure to reference Donut Festival so we know where to apply the donation. Thank you.
The parking map, below, indicates available parking for this festival. We have a shuttle service that will pick you up at the schools, the old Rockport Elementary School site (RES), and will drop off at the entrance to the harbor park where the festival will be taking place. When you are ready to leave, the shuttle will pick you up at the entrance and take you back to the parking lot locations. The shuttle time will be running on a 15 minute cycle.