
May 2023 Public Meeting



Sewall's presentation to begin their public engagement process with the community to capture as much information as possible to integrate into the Traffic Infrastructure Study. This study is apart of a grant the Town was awarded by MDOT to explore creating a Business Enhancement and Traffic Plan (Traffic Infrastructure Study) to improve our existing infrastructure in the Downtown and encourage multi-modal transportation approaches to achieve these improvements. One goal is to study how best to accommodate pedestrian walkways, bicyclists and motorists throughout the entire Downtown area, but especially giving consideration to the bridge as it is designed. Other issues that will be considered include traffic calming techniques on roads leading into the downtown, parking, and a multimodal pathway from the Downtown to the Schools. 


Here is a link to the PowerPoint Presentation Slides: Rockport Infrastructure Study 1st Public Meeting


To watch the recording of this Public Meeting, please use our YouTube Chanel Link: Public Meeting May 18, 2023 - Sewall