Route 1 Sidewalk Project

  • The Committee will research and make recommendations concerning the design and development of bike and pedestrian facilities with the goal of creating a network of attractive and functional facilities within and between Camden and Rockport and with links to neighboring communities. To this end, the Committee will develop a “Master Plan,” documenting detailed recommendations and prioritized improvements throughout the Rockport/Camden area.
  •  In compliance with Comprehensive Planning, the Committee will develop and make these recommendations to enhance bike/ped transportation and quality-of-life opportunities while reducing motor traffic congestion mitigating environmental pollution, parking problems, and strengthening the vitality of the village centers.
  •  Further,thePathwaysCommitteewillexploreandrecommendsuchbicycleandpedestrian infrastructure so as to compliment traffic calming, smart growth,highwayaccessmanagementandlanduseplanningbothlocallyandregionally.
  •  The Pathways Committee will work cooperatively with the residents, Parking, Traffic, Transportation and other town committees, Highway Departments, neighboring towns, Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the State Planning Office(SPO)to develop its recommendations.


We meet at least monthly.

We focus on creating connections, connecting destinations and communities.

We have a Master Plan that we update every 5-10years.With in the Master Plan we set project priorities and general directions for the Committee.

We set priorities focused on safety, community health and walkability, and the amount of pedestrian traffic.

We generate funding through grants, multiplying local dollars to create greater impact in our community

We generate awareness through public meetings, online presence, the press, and through partnerships.

We do a sidewalk survey at least every 5 years which provides a foundation for maintenance recommendations to PublicWorks

Projects in the works:

Maritime Farms –A sidewalk on the Maritime side of the street, from Camden Hills Accommodations to Quarry Hill, including a pedestrian controlled crossingatHannaford.Goingouttobidthisfall.Resultofagrantproposalwithmatchingfunds80/20MDOT/Town.Funds are budgeted.

Route 90 – to link key institutions and destinations including two public schools and public recreation fields, with a pedestrian friendly path connecting the schools, the ball fields, Erikson Fields and walking trails (MCHT), Midcoast Recreation Center, multiple businesses and residences along this route. The vision is to construct anoff-roadmulti-usepathfromRte1toRte17.Sidewalk Survey–look sat

o    Sidewalk condition/obstacles

o    Storm drains

o    Curb repairs

o    Handicap accessibility

o    Sightlines

 2019 bond related–recommended priority

o    Rockville

o    West St/RES

o    Village Steps

o    Russell Ave Lower

o    Russell Ave Upper

o    Main St/Summer to Town Office

  • Other areas of focus

o    Warrenton Road

o    Route1 South to Rockland

o    Sewer Project – Route1