Resolving Valuation Disagreements

Rising property values don’t necessarily mean higher tax bills. With the increased valuation, the mil rate will decrease. Properties whose values decreased or rose very little will see a decrease in taxes. Properties whose value rose modestly should see a small or no increase at all. Properties who saw a larger increase will see a higher tax bill.

All Rockport residents will be given the opportunity to schedule a hearing. If you receive a letter with a new value there will be a phone number provided for you to call to make an appointment. During normal times all meetings would take place in person, but these are not normal times; the meetings will take place on the telephone.

If after having had a hearing you still have questions or would like us to stop by and check our data please let us know at any time.   After receiving your tax bill [September] you can file for an abatement, just like any other year, stating reasons and evidence as to why you think your property is not correctly valued. If you are denied an abatement, you can appeal that decision to the Board of Assessment Review (BAR). If the appeal is denied, the next venue is Superior Court.

It has been my goal, in writing this, to make the process as transparent as possible. It has always been our belief, Assistant Assessor Caitlin Thompson and me, that you have a right to understand how your property is valued and, therefore, how your property taxes are calculated.

We also want to make sure you are aware of the tax relief programs available to you. Please read the Tax Relief section for that information.