

All Local, State & Federal Elections are administered and supervised by the Town Clerk. 

The Annual Municipal Election is held on the Tuesday in conjunction with State and Federal Elections. 

The Annual Election is for the purpose of electing Town Select Board Members, MSAD 28/CSD 19 School Board Directors, Budget and Library Committee members.

Absentee Ballots:

Citizens who are unable to vote at the polling place on Election Day may vote by absentee ballot. 

You may request an absentee ballot from the Town Clerk's office by:

  • Telephone request for your own ballot application.  A ballot will be mailed to the address you provide the Town Clerk.
  • Written request by completing an absentee ballot application.  This application can be mailed, faxed or delivered in person to the Town Clerk.
    • You can also obtain a ballot for an immediate family member by written request.   A ballot will be mailed to the voter directly or given to the immediate family member making the request.  Immediate family member includes:  spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sister, brother, step-parent, step-grandparent, step-child, step-grandchild, step-sister, step-brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or guardian.


 November 2024 - Election Results