

The Rockport Conservation Commission is a voluntary board appointed by the Select Board to promote the protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural resources of Rockport. The Commission is responsible for conducting research, educating the public and making recommendations to appropriate town bodies. The Commission works with other conservation organizations throughout the region to sustain the natural ecosystems for current and future generations to use and enjoy.
The purpose of these bylaws is to establish reasonable rules of procedure for Commission meetings and to promote the fair, orderly and efficient conduct of the Commission's proceedings and affairs. These bylaws shall govern the Commission's practices and procedures except as otherwise provided by law and shall be liberally construed to accomplish their purpose.
The Goodies Beach Feasibility Study was conducted at the request of the Town Manager. This report was completed by Gartley & Dorsky on November 7, 2016 to study the existing water quality test data and the feasibility of treating stormwater outfall that is believed to be a factor in the frequent pollution problems observed at Goodies Beach. 

A Watershed Approach to Managing Land Use Impacts to Coastal Waters is a report that was submitted on December 29, 2016 by Dr. Robert Kennedy, PhD., on behalf of the Rockport Conservation and was funded in part by grant awards adminstered the Maine Coastal Program. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Department of Commerce.

EPA Notice of Violation from 2013 - at the request of the Conservation Commission, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency investigated pollution problems observed at Goodies Beach and published this Notice of Violation on September 5, 2013.