Why are values adjusted?


Maine Constitution

Article IX, Section 7 of Maine’s Constitution requires that we conduct a revaluation at least once every ten years. Article IX, Section 8 requires that properties be assessed according to just value. The Maine Supreme Court has consistently ruled that just value is synonymous with market value.

Townwide Revaluation

Our townwide Revaluation is underway. It starts now and will conclude next summer. We have contracted with KRT Appraisal of Haverhill, MA, to do the work.

The Revaluation begins with KRT’s Data Collectors visiting every property in Rockport. The Data Collectors are Dan Bourkas and Austin Bengtson. Many of you probably know Dan, who is a Rockport resident.

If you have any doubts at all about these visitors asking to see your property, Dan and Austin will be carrying a letter of introduction from me. They’ll have Assessing Office signs on their vehicles and KRT credentials on their person. Follow this link to view photo ID's of the entire Appraisal staff including listers.  When in doubt call my office to verify at 236-6758 ext. 5 or the Police Department at 236-2026.

Their job is to measure every building on every property and to perform a quick inspection of the interiors. In this way, you and we are assured the information used to value your property is accurate. You do not have to allow them on your property, but the information they are gathering and verifying makes an accurate assessment much more likely. 

KRT will be sending postcards out in batches. Once you receive a postcard you can expect a visit from Dan or Austin within the next 45 days.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Kerry Leichtman, CMA





Revaluation FAQ's