The five-member Library Committee was established March 21st, 1914, with the charge to "have the care and control of said library and funds." After 66 years, on March 17, 1980, the town again voted that an elected five-member committee oversee a newly established Library Trust Fund. Elected at Town meeting to three-year terms, the five members of the Library Committee hold public meetings at the town office once a month. The important work of the Library Committee is working with the Library Director on updating Library Policies, strategic planning initiatives and overseeing the management and the use of earnings from the Library’s Endowment Fund, which also includes gifts to the library and desk income.
The Town of Rockport pays staff salaries and benefits and audit expenses, which represents approximately 75% of the annual operating budget. The Library Committee is responsible for all other expenses for the library.
Funding for the Rockport Public Library comes from a variety of sources:
The remainder of the budget (expenses) is covered by gifts (restricted and unrestricted), income from the Rockport Library Trust Fund, desk income, including printing fees, nonresident fees and book replacement fines. Expenses include such items such as all library materials, technology, furniture, programs costs, electricity, heating oil, interlibrary loan services, free internet access and more!
Gifts and grants to the library are reported monthly to the Library Committee and to the Town by the Library Director, which are then added to the Trust. The library director prepares warrants, based on those budgeted expenses not covered by the town, which are then presented to the town's Finance Director as part of revenue to the town.
Meetings are open to the public will occur at the Richardson Room at the Town Office, unless otherwise noted