General Assistance
General Assistance Ordinance
Quitting Work or Getting Fired
If you have been working but quit your job without a good reason or get fired from your job for misconduct, you are automatically ineligible to receive assistance and must regain employment.
Remember that the administrator does not want to disqualify you from receiving the assistance you need, so it is in your best interest to fully comply with the work program rules.
If the administrator finds out that you have not told the truth, or withheld information, you will be disqualified from receiving assistance for 120 days and until you reimburse the municipality for any assistance that was received fraudulently. In addition, the administrator may refer your case to the police department or District Attorney's Office for committing General Assistance fraud, which is a Class E crime.
Work Requirements
If you are unemployed or working less than full-time but you are able to work, you must:
- Register for work at the Career Center.
- Actively look for work - at least 5 jobs searches a week.
- Accept any job offer (paying at least minimum wage).
- Participate in any no-cost training that would help you get a job.
Camden Area Christian Food Pantry
AIO Food Pantry
1A Gordon Drive
Rockland, ME
Monday - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday - 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Free Meals
Saint Bernard’s Bagged lunches:
Monday thru Friday 11:30 a.m. -12 p.m., 150 Broadway Ave., Rockland, Maine (207) 594-5204
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen:
Weekend bagged lunches to go; Saturday 12:30 p.m.; Sunday 1:00 p.m.; 11 White Street, Rockland, Maine - (207) 594-8232
Meals on Wheels for Seniors 60+
MCH Rockland, Maine - Kitchen Manager (207) 594-2740