News and Notices

 Upcoming Meetings:

  • Planning Board Meeting - August 29th at 5:30 p.m. at the Opera House's GCPR (lower level). Meeting Packet and Agenda.
  • Regular Select Board Meeting - Tuesday, October 15th, at 6:00 p.m. at the GCPR - Opera House.  Packet Information

Other Notices:

2024 Revaluation

Our town wide Revaluation is underway. It starts now and will conclude next summer. We have contracted with KRT Appraisal of Haverhill, MA, to do the work.

The Revaluation begins with KRT’s Data Collectors visiting every property in Rockport. The Data Collectors are Dan Bourkas and Austin Bengtson. Many of you probably know Dan, who is a Rockport resident.

If you have any doubts at all about these visitors asking to see your property, Dan and Austin will be carrying a letter of introduction from me. They’ll have Assessing Office signs on their vehicles and KRT credentials on their person. There are pictures of them you can view at: When in doubt call my office to verify at 236-6758 ext. 5 or the Police Department at 236-2026.

Their job is to measure every building on every property and to perform a quick inspection of the interiors. In this way, you and we are assured the information used to value your property is accurate. You do not have to allow them on your property, but the information they are gathering and verifying makes an accurate assessment much more likely. 

KRT will be sending postcards out in batches. Once you receive a postcard you can expect a visit from Dan or Austin within the next 45 days.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Kerry Leichtman, CMA


  • Sign up for Civic Ready! It's the Town's notification system that will send updates to your email and mobile device regarding town office closures, important dates and deadlines for residents, and reminders about upcoming public meetings and events. Sign up here.
  • RES Site Proposal from the Lesher Family Foundation: Visit the website for information about the park and how to get involved.
  • Comprehensive Plan Update: We are currently in edit mode with the comprehensive plan to incorporate the data collected. If you have any questions, reach out to the Planning and Development Director - Orion Thomas - at  


DR-4647-ME Rockport Robinson Drive Final Public Notice - Public Notice - Robinson Drive


Upcoming Town Office Closures
Wednesday, October 2nd - MMA Convention
Monday, October 14th - Indigenous Peoples' Day

Election Information

Requests for absentee ballots will be available August 7th, for the upcoming November election.

11-05-2024 Town Meeting Warrant

Voter Parking Map